What Clients Say
Judy is amazing! She knows what she’s doing and what she’s talking about! I’ve been seeing her for years and It’s amazing to see her constantly up her game and be willing to try new products and technology. She customizes your skin care to your needs. She’s super nice, personable, and professional. I highly recommend going to see her!
“Judy is honestly the most insightful, caring practitioner I have ever been to. Extremely knowledgeable and experienced. I always leave looking and feeling my best.”
“Judy is a true skin care professional, she is extremely knowledgeable, listens to your concerns, has wonderful suggestions and executes her services with thoughtfulness, accuracy and care. If you want healthy skin, you can get it here. You will be very happy with your experience.”
“Most amazing medical facial ever! She is wonderful, knowledgeable, and very professional. I will never go anywhere else.”
"I have been coming to Judy since I was in college and now that I live out of town I still come back to have my skin treated. Judy customizes the facial to what I need for my skin type & concerns, and I leave always feeling so relaxed, calm and my skin is absolutely glowing! Definitely recommend, she’s the best."
"I’ve been seeing Judy for a few years now for my skin care needs. She does an amazing job keeping my skin glowing. I went to her before my wedding to get my skin looking perfect and she did just that. I wouldn’t trust anyone else with all my skin care needs."
"I always look forward to seeing Judy! She’s extremely knowledgeable, highly professional, kind, and thoroughly takes her time with you. She keeps up with the newest and latest to provide the highest quality services for her clients. I wouldn’t let anyone else touch my skin. I walk away each time glowing and a boost of confidence."